Country Herald Science

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NASA Releases Photos of Rare Red Sprites Taken from International Space Station

Houston, TX - NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) recently captured stunning images of red sprites, a rare atmospheric phenomenon, in Earth's...

Cats’ Scratching Behavior Influenced by Play and Environment, Study Finds

Chicago, IL - A recent study from Frontiers in Veterinary Science revealed significant factors influencing undesirable scratching behavior in domestic cats. Researchers identified the...

Illinois Study Reveals Alarming Mental Health Crisis Among LGBTQ+ Farmers

Champaign, IL - A new study from the University of Illinois highlights significant mental health challenges among LGBTQ+ farmers. According to the research, LGBTQ+ individuals...

Dengue Fever Outbreak: CDC Warns of Increased Risk Nationwide

Atlanta, GA - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health advisory Tuesday, warning of a significant increase in dengue fever cases...

Jurassic Marvel: Gigantic Pterosaur Fossil Discovered in Oxfordshire

Oxford, England - Paleontologists have unearthed a remarkable fossil of a gigantic pterosaur in a gravel pit near Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire. The discovery, dating back...

Spotted Gum on a Cicada? Congrats, You’ve Caught a Zombie!

Champaign, IL - If you see what looks like gum on the back of a cicada, you're in for a surprise—it's a zombie cicada!...