Mystery x Lore

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Mysterious Pillar of Light in Illinois Sky Mirrors Scene from Star Wars Finale

WYANET, Ill. - In an astonishing celestial event just days after the "Star Wars: Ahsoka" finale, residents of Wyanet, Illinois were treated to an eerie,...

Mystery x Lore: Haunted Toys to Hiking Boots: REI’s Spooky California Stomping Ground

SUNNYVALE, Calif. â€” In 1970, as Toys "R" Us embarked on its California expansion, a store was constructed at 130 East El Camino in Sunnyvale....

Mystery x Lore: The Acoustic Marvel of Illinois’ Fountain Bluff Chair

GORHAM, Ill. â€” Tucked away in the historic landscapes of Gorham lies a unique auditory wonder nestled within Fountain Bluff. This towering relic of Pennsylvania...

Mystery x Lore: Illinois’ Mysterious Airship Sightings Before the Dawn of Modern Flight

CHICAGO, IL - Years before the Wright Brothers took to the sky and the contents of the size of a tube of toothpaste were weighed...