Country Herald Science

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Illinois Revolutionary “PURE” Wheelchair Takes Inspiration from Star Wars Droid BB-8

CHAMPAIGN, IL - A galaxy far, far away has inspired a groundbreaking innovation right here on Earth.  University of Illinois researchers have unveiled a hands-free wheelchair,...

Celebrating 33 Years: The Day SUE the Tyrannosaurus Rex Emerged from History’s Depths

CHICAGO, IL — Three decades ago, in a remote corner of South Dakota, paleontologist Sue Hendrickson stumbled upon the scientific discovery that would forever change...

NICE Rejects CSL Behring’s Hemgenix Gene Therapy for Haemophilia B Drug 

London, UK - The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has rejected CSL Behring's gene therapy, Hemgenix, as a treatment option for severe...

Chicago Area to See Large NASA Plane Flying as Low as 500ft by Tuesday

CHICAGO, IL - Brace yourselves, Chicagoans! A thrilling sight awaits as NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center's DC-8 aircraft prepares to grace the skies, flying as...

US Meteor Showers: Up to 100 Shooting Stars per Hour to Illuminate the Night Skies

BOURBONNAIS, IL - Prepare for a breathtaking celestial extravaganza as the Delta Aquariid and Perseid meteor showers grace the Illinois skies with a mesmerizing display...

Chicago’s Underground Heat Problem Threatens City Infrastructure, Study Finds

CHICAGO, IL - The City is grappling with a hidden danger lurking beneath its streets: underground heat islands.  A recent study published in the scientific journal...